Tag Archives: infinite atonement

The Full Infinite Atonement

In reviewing the beliefs of the Christian community, I feel most don’t appreciate the incredible and glorious full infinite atonement. This includes those members of my own church. and the love of God has given us this most important gift.  Most think of it as his suffering for us. However, it is that and so much more in the FULL DIMENSIONS OF THE FULL INFINITE ATONEMENT. As we look two thousand years ago, it is remarkable what we can learn–bringing us closer to God.

Scriptural Understanding

My search for understanding goes to all the scriptures, to fascinating apocryphal literature, and to personal revelation. My search has been most rewarding and has brought me closer to God. As I have prayed and listened to the Spirit, my heart has been opened to better understanding and comprehension. I am delighted to share some of my insights the best I can. I hope you  feel the same JOY and appreciation I feel with this deeper understanding.

In an earlier article, I shared the seven steps or dimensions of the infinite atonement with seven sub-steps in each step.  In step six, the Savior visits the spirit world, which is an enormous part of the infinite atonement. This step is not appreciated by all most all Christians. Step seven is His glorious resurrection, which most don’t think of as part of the infinite atonement. However, it is the capstone. With out His resurrection we would be toast. It is His resurrection that opened the door to a fullness of JOY for all who will come unto Him. It is His resurrection that brings us into the presence of God.

Dimensions from the Scriptures

The Apostle Paul profoundly states we are the offspring of God, and as the Lord told Moses, we are created in God’s image, male and female. In ancient Hebrew tradition, Eloheim has both genders. (Acts 17:28-29; Genesis 1:26-27. We have infinitely loving Heavenly Parents, who gave birth to our spirit bodies. This is the real you, and our spirit bodies were created by Them to last forever.

Our spirit bodies are immortal! Our intelligences housed in our spirit bodies give us agency–the ability to choose. (D&C 93:30-31) This gives us individual sovereignty.

Because we are the offspring of God, we are gods in embryo. Our choices make all the difference in our lives; our infinitely loving God honors our desires. If we were forced to heaven, it could not be and would not be heaven. Before we were born, our infinitely loving Heavenly Father shared “His Plan of Happiness and Joy.” He told us of our opportunity to gain a physical body in our path to be like our Heavenly Parents. Ironically, as part of the plan, the fall of Adam and Eve brought about both a spiritual and physical death, which was totally and perfectly overcome by the full infinite atonement.

The Savior’s glorious resurrection overcame physical death—which is the crowning step in the infinite atonement. He also overcame spiritual death. However, in the perfect plan, the gift of eternal life is offered. But it can only be appreciated and received by those who desire the gift. (D&C 88:33) We best express our desires as we come unto Christ and internalize and share His glorious gospel. We do this best when we are primarily motivated by our pure love for God and for all of His children.

Importance of Faith

This plan was explained to us in our pre-mortal epoch. We would need to exercise faith during our mortal journey. That faith would need to be focused on our Savior. While He overcame the effects of both the fall of Adam and Eve, He also suffered for our sins, as we repent and exercise faith in Him. For those who don’t accept the Christ, they will suffer for their sins. (D&C 19:15-18)

Faith in Christ is paramount. We read, “My Beloved Son, which was my Beloved and Chosen from the beginning, said unto me—Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever.” (Moses 4:2)

However, Lucifer stepped forward saying, “Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor.  Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him, and also, that I should give unto him mine own power; by the power of mine Only Begotten, I caused that he should be cast down; And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice.” (Moses 4:1, 3, 4)

The Jaredites and Nephites in the Book of Mormon, were so profoundly inspired by Heavenly Fathers’ Perfect Plan of Happiness and Joy, that they built a four and half square miles of earthworks near Newark, Ohio, to share with the world Father’s marvelous plan.  The carbon dating of the earthworks shows that they were originally built by the Jaredites. Then the Nephites refined them, who fully appreciated what the Jaredites had done .

There were over a hundred thousand earthworks in North America built by the Jaredites and the Nephites, and only about a half percent of them remain. Most of the earthworks were destroyed because of the evolutionary attitude of John Wesley Powell and others. They believed that the Native American Indians were savages—giving white Americans “eminent domain” over them. My wife Edna and I have been fortunate to visit the earthworks near Newark, Ohio. All that we saw that was still evident denotes the Celestial Kingdom and the Millennium epochs in Heavenly Fathers’ plan, which is now, ironically, part of a golf course.

Lucifer’s Rebellion

Lucifer’s rebellion caused a war in heaven, as told by the Apostle John (Rev. 12:7). These earthworks illustrate that a third of the children of our Heavenly Parents followed Lucifer, the son of the morning. (Isaiah 14:12-14) Lucifer was very brilliant and subtle with his message, claiming that he would save everyone. However, his plan would have destroyed our agency to choose. Free choice is fundamental to our growth and our doorway to the fullness of JOY.

Satan and those who followed him were cast down to the earth, as part of the plan. (Rev. 12:4) This is one of the many ironies in God’s perfect plan in the midst of all our imperfections.

Opposition In All Things

Opposition is part of the plan. It gives us the opportunity to grow as we exercise faith in our Savior, as we meet life’s challenges. But because of the wonderful gift of agency to choose and the law of opposition, sin came into the world with the Fall of Adam and Eve. Opposition is a needful and critical part of the plan. The Prophet Lehi profoundly explains the Law of Opposition in Chapter Two of Second Nephi.

In that same chapter, Lehi shares a beautiful summation of Heavenly Father’s Perfect Plan:

  • 26 And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.
  • 27 Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.

Jehovah was both the Firstborn of our Heavenly Parents, and also the “Only Begotten” of the Father (Colossians 1:15; Luke 1:35; JST John 1:14; D&C 76:13). Speaking for the Lord, Isaiah shares: “I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me, there is no Saviour.” (Isa. 43:11); Jesus clearly clarifies: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)

From Apocryphal Literature

From apocryphal literature, we can better appreciate the glorious full dimensions of the infinite atonement. Chapter five of the Gospel of Joseph of Arimathea shares that Joseph “took the scroll of his parentage” to Bethlehem, with a servant, so that his lineage could be easily established Finding “every home… filled up” they were kindly offered a stable. That night “Mary suffered the pains of giving birth and cried out in pain. Nearby, there were some Levitical Shepherds, who were tending the sacrificial sheep… hearing her cry, they went over to help. They provided a shepherd’s basket… filled with straw” and the “baby was wrapped in swaddling cloth.” (Chapter 5)

Bethlehem means “the house of bread.” Christ is the bread of life. It is fascinating that these “sacrificial sheep” were the type and shadow of the Savior’s sacrifice. There they were, close by, at His birth.

This chapter also declares that an angel appeared to Joseph, proclaiming that the baby born of his wife, Mary, is the hope for all humankind. “THE ANOINTED MESSIAH.” The wise men, who visited the babe, were knowledgeable in “The Books of the Cosmic Light”. They follow the star. Evidence shows this information was in the writings of Abraham, which also testified that this Babe would touch the lives of all humankind.

Journey of Young Jesus Christ

Jesus was one of eight siblings, “developing a strong body and a sharp mind, for he was uniquely talented. He was wise beyond his years and excelled in perfection with his hands.” (Chapter 5:51) The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ by Levi tells of His remarkable ministry in Asia. Christ’s stepfather, Joseph, died when Jesus was seventeen.

Jesus spent time with the seven sages in Egypt. They blessed Him, and He shared with them His rejection by “my own kindred… And they will spurn me, scorn my work, accuse me falsely, bind me, take me to the judgment seat of carnal men who will convict and slay me on the cross. But men can never slay the truth; though banished it will come again in greater power; for truth will subjugate the world.” (Levi, 60:11-13)

Atonement of Jesus Christ

In Gethsemane, where He went three times in prayer ALONE to plead to the Father, His suffering for our sins was so great that He bled from every pore. A “Red-Glowing MOON on the horizon, empathetically looked on (Chapter 23:212 Gospel of Joseph of Arimathea)  On the cross, He prayed, “My Mother, Abba Father, this is my chosen destiny, and for this, I have been prepared.” (Chapter 24:341 with my words interspersing for clarification)

He was not killed by the Jews or the Romans. His indescribable suffering ended only when this part of His infinite atonement was finished–step five. He said, “No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself” (John 10:18). The seven steps of the infinite atonement are summarized in this blog article: https://itsabouttimebook.com/spiritual-science-seven-steps-in-atonement/ The Earth mourned with the suffering of our Savior during those three hours from noon until 1500 (3:00 p.m.).

We read, “that insomuch that it did shake the whole earth as if it was about to divide asunder (3 Nephi 8:6).” “And behold, the rocks were rent in twain; they were broken up upon the face of the whole earth, insomuch that they were found in broken fragments, and in seams and in cracks, upon all the face of the land (8:18).”

My Unique Experience

I used to be a white-water guide. When I would lie on my back on my sleeping bag in Ladore Canyon on the Green River. I would look up and my soul was touched as I witnessed all the “rocks… in broken fragments, the seams and in the cracks, denoting their witness of His suffering on the cross. I knew them well as I climbed this area many times. My heart is touched to this day by that witness of Mother Earth’s empathetic suffering for our Redeemer.

Jerusalem rocked To and Fro

The Aquarian Gospel records, “A Roman soldier in compassion said, ‘This agony is too great; relief shall come.’ And with a spear, he pierced his heart… And then the earth was shocked again; the city of Jerusalem rocked to and fro; the hills were rent…” (Levi 171:10-14)

Christ’s Death and Resurrection

As the Savior’s spirit left His body and went to Paradise, the New Testament is nearly silent about those three days in which His body lay in the tomb. The above-cited blog article fills in that gap for this most important sixth step in His infinite atonement. https://itsabouttimebook.com/the-infinite-atonement-and-paradise/ .

Similarly, the New Testament is silent about what happened that night just before His resurrection. There were a hundred Jewish soldiers guarding the tomb. All of them heard a voice at midnight, “Adon Mashich Cumi, which meant, Lord Christ, arise.” This command from the heavens was heard three times over the night. “The soldiers blanched with fear, and still to flee meant death for cowardice, and so they stood and watched.”
After the third time, an angel came down and “tramped on the Roman seal… he took the stone in hand as though it were a pebble from the brook, and cast it to the side. And Jesus opened his eyes and said, ‘All hail the rising sun! the coming of the day of righteousness!’” (Chapter 172 Levi)

Pontius Pilot’s Record

Then Pontius Pilot’s remarkable record states, “all who had been hungry for His blood walked away from Calvary in near Sorrow and Shame. As though the insanity that had been upon them had passed away and their souls knew the sorrow that their minds could not—that they had been instruments in The Death Of The Son Of God.” (page 20)

Pilot’s wife had the “gift of foresight” and shared, “Beware, Beware And Touch Not That Man: For HE is Pure. Last night I saw him in A Vision. He was walking on the waters; … He spoke to the tempest and to the fishes of the lake: all were obedient to him.” (page 20)

Pilot’s trusted servant, Malcus, reported to him: “At About The Beginning Of The Fourth Watch [this is like 3 a.m.] A Soft And A Beautiful-Light Up Above the Sepulcher.” Then after Christ was resurrected, “The Entire Place was Lit-Up and there seemed to be A Crowd of the Dead Walking around in their grave clothes. Each of them Seemed To Be Shouting and Filled with Ecstasy while all around and above, was heard, the Most Beautiful Music” he had ever heard. “And the whole sky seemed to be full of voices praising: YHV/God.”  “At This Time there seemed to be a reeling and a rocking back and forth of the Entire Earth.” (pp 16-17, verses 147-152) The Earth was rejoicing in the resurrection of our Lord and of the resurrection of many of the righteous dead, “who went into the holy city and appeared unto many (Matt. 27:52-53).”

The Most Transcendent Event

This most transcendent event–the full infinite atonement–totally covers the effects of the fall of Adam and Eve. It then in our day will bring about a paradisiacal millennial epoch. The Lord will bring forth a new heaven and a new earth. And, because of the full infinite atonement, the Lord will bring forth again a new heaven and a new earth at the end of the millennium. And lastly, the full infinite atonement shows Jehovah’s infinite love for each of us in the final judgment. Gloriously, those who have accepted Him are then presented by Him–our advocate–to the Father on a celestialized Earth. The earthworks near Newark, Ohio, depict these glorious events yet to come.

As my wife and I stood on the perimeter of that 20-acre perfect circle denoting the celestial Kingdom we felt a special spirit. It denotes the place where our Heavenly Parents will rejoice with those who have chosen to follow the path outlined and provided by their perfect and Beloved Son. They have promised us a “fulness of joy.” Can we even imagine a more perfect plan?

It is fascinating that the line connecting the millennium to the Celestial Kingdom is at an angle denoting the Divine Ratio to the true North. It is the same angle as the Giza pyramid, which denotes the Egyptian’s path to heaven. Everywhere we look we see the infinite love of our Creator God designed to bring us back home. We read, “GREAT EXCITEMENT Arose About The Sepulcher Being Empty.” (Pontius Pilot’s Report, verse 144, by Desert-Owl.) 

The Growth of Christianity

The Lord’s resurrection was the main driving force for the rapid growth of early Christianity. Modern Christianity seems to have lost track of that great momentum. I would love to see it come back, and I believe it will as the Bride prepares herself to meet the Bridegroom at His Coming. The exciting thing is that we can be part of that ideal ZION heavenly society, which is coming, as we come unto Him and listen to His voice (D&C 29:1-2; 93:1).

David W. Allan

P.S. Here is an E-book version of the Gospel of Joseph of Arimathea. It has been translated into modern English. There are some mistakes, and it is not as complete as the one referenced above, but there is a lot of good information there.

Photo://CCPxfuel The Christ Resurrection

The Infinite Atonement and Paradise

The Glorious Infinite Atonement is one of the most important and yet most misunderstood doctrines in Christianity. Most think of the atonement as Christ’s suffering for our sins. It is so much more than that. But how do you comprehend infinite? As mortals we cannot, but the closer we come to understanding and internalizing this most important gift given by God (John 3:16), the closer we are to receiving His promise of Eternal Life.

As an important part of the infinite atonement, as Jesus hung on the cross, paradise was promised by the Savior to the repentant malefactor that very day. (Luke 23:43) Where is paradise and what happened there during those three days Jesus’ Spirit visited? The Apostle Peter shares that Jesus Christ “went and preached unto the spirits in prison:… that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.” (1 Peter 3:19; 4:6) Most don’t consider Jesus Christ’s visit to “paradise” a part of His infinite atonement. However, it is a major part since there are nearly ten times more folks there to minister to than here on Earth!

What and Where is Paradise?

We know that paradise is spiritually close by since the Savior and the repentant malefactor went there right after they died on the cross. We will see what the Savior did there during those three days was and still is an extremely important part of the infinite atonement.

President Joseph F. Smith’s Vision of Paradise

President Joseph F. Smith received a vision “on October 3, 1918,” while “reflecting upon the great atoning sacrifice that was made by the Son of God, for the redemption of the world.  The great and wonderful love made manifest by the Father and the Son in the coming of the Redeemer into the world,” (D&C 138:2-3)

The Savior prophesied, “The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.” (Jn 5:25) President Smith saw, “…the dead had looked upon the long absence of their spirits from their bodies as a bondage. These souls the Lord taught, and gave them the power to come forth, after his resurrection from the dead, to enter into his Father’s kingdom, there to be crowned with immortality and eternal life. Henceforth, their labors had been promised by the Lord, to be partakers of all blessings, that are held in reserve for them that love him.” (D&C 138:50-52)

Paradise –  A Part of the Infinite Atonement

We see that His visit to paradise was a major part of the infinite atonement, opening a glorious resurrection for the faithful who had died. President Smith also saw that during those three days, the Savior organized missionary work for those in spirit prison, as the Apostle Peter described. We see the great significance of Malachi’s prophecy that the fathers’ hearts would be turned to the children and children’s hearts would be turned to the fathers. Otherwise, the purpose of the earth was wasted at His Coming. (Malachi 4:5-6) The teaching of the gospel in the spirit world is totally integral to this grand purpose of why the earth was made by the Lord in the first place and is a major part of the infinite atonement.

Other Books Give Major Insights

Other Books Give Major Insights into Paradise and the Resurrection as Part of the Infinite Atonement. Nephi tells of “other books” coming forth in the last days. (1 Nephi 13:39) We read the following amazing account now of what happened after Christ visited Paradise and then was resurrected:

When it happened that early Sunday morning, it was witnessed by the hundred Jewish soldiers standing guard as a brilliant light came down from the heavens, and over the night they heard three times: “Adon Mashich Cumi,” which means, “Lord Christ arise.”

The last time was just before sunrise, “the heavens blazed with light… And then the white-robed form tramped on the Roman seal, and then he tore it into shreds; he took the mighty stone in hand as though it were a pebble from the brook, and cast it to the side. And Jesus opened up his eyes and said, ‘All hail the rising sun! the coming of the day of righteousness!’

“They saw the body of the Nazarene transmute they saw it change from mortal to immortal form, and then disappeared. The soldiers heard a voice from somewhere; yea, from everywhere, it said, ‘Peace, peace on earth; good will to men.’” (Chapter 172:26-41 of the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ by Levi)

In Pontius Pilot’s account, he sent his trusted secretary, MALCUS, “He said that at about the beginning of the fourth watch, They Saw A Soft And a Beautiful-Lyght Up Above the Sepulcher. The Entire Place was Lit-Up and there seemed to be A Crowd Of The Dead Walking around in their grave clothes. Each Of Them Seemed To Be Shouting And Filled With Ecstasy while All Around And Above, was Heard, The Most Beautiful Music he had ever experienced: And The Whole Sky Seemed To Be Full Of Voices Praising: YHV: Yahll’Vol’Hay/God. At This Time there seemed to be a reeling and rocking back-and-forth of The Entire Earth…” (THE CRUCIFIXION REPORT OF PONTUS PILOT TO: TIBERIUS CAESAR,  147-151 by A Micah Hill Dezert-Owl)

The gospel of Matthew reports that “the graves were opened; and the bodies of the saints which slept, arose, who were many. They came out of the graves after his resurrection, went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.” (JS Matt. 27:56-57)

Major Mis-understanding of  Infinite Atonement

The limited view that most have is that the atonement of Christ is His suffering on the cross for our sins. Again, it is that and so much more. The infinite atonement totally overcame the effects of the fall of Adam and Eve, overcoming both the spiritual and physical deaths brought about by the fall. He told John the Beloved, “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.” (Rev. 1:18) His infinite atonement took Him from the deepest sorrow and suffering to the greatest of heights of ecstasy. He cap-stoned the infinite atonement with His glorious resurrection. (D&C 88:6) We cannot comprehend the joy that filled the souls of the many resurrected souls in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres.  They rose from the dead following His glorious resurrection in great rejoicing. He conquered death and hell, as a major part of the infinite atonement, and their souls were filled with a fullness of JOY as a result of HIs infinite love for all of Heavenly Father’s children.

The phrase “atoning sacrifice” only occurs once in our scriptures, as is beautifully explained by President Smith in his vision of the redemption of the dead and its relevance there. Yet we hear the phrase “atoning sacrifice” to describe Jesus’ atonement for us when this phrase misses the grand dimensions of the glorious infinite atonement. Let us do our best, and God will open up the rest as we ponder, study, pray, apply, and share this most important doctrine of the glorious infinite atonement.

Most Christians leave out both the importance of Christ’s visit to Paradise and His glorious resurrection in their worship of the Christ. They look to the blood of Christ and His suffering on  the Cross for their sins for redemption. I was surprised to see that the importance of Christ’s visit to Paradise had been left out of the proclamation, “THE LIVING CHRIST”. This proclamation was issued on January 1st, 2000, by the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve. Also, many members of my church use the phrase “atoning sacrifice” in describing the atonement, which misses the full grandeur of the glorious infinite atonement.

So, we have a problem with the false tradition that has crept into our language saying we are grateful for the “atoning sacrifice” and leaving out the great importance of what the Savior did, is doing, and will yet do because of the infinite nature of this most marvelous and infinitely loving gift from God.  In the Spirit World, during those three days, he opened the prison doors and provided a glorious resurrection for the faithful. What an enormous blessing His three-day visit was as part of the infinite atonement, as we think of it today, with nearly ten times more souls in the Spirit World than there are here on Earth. A great work is being done and yet will be done so that every soul has the opportunity to hear the fullness of the everlasting gospel. Thanks to Christ for the three-day visit to paradise. The best thing we can say is, “THANK YOU, LORD, for the glorious infinite atonement! Which also includes His visit to paradise and His glorious resurrection.

My Hope and Prayer

My hope and prayer are that each of us will be eternally grateful for the glorious infinite atonement, and I hope here to have shared a better understanding of how our Savior truly overcame the full effects of the fall of Adam and Eve and conquered the effects of death and hell—for those on both sides of the veil. Because of His resurrection, the door to eternal life and a fullness of joy is available for all who choose Jesus Christ as their Savior and Redeemer, the bridge to our Heavenly Home.

The Seven Essential Steps to the Infinite Atonement

In the following article, I share the seven essential steps in the infinite atonement. Step one is His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. His visit to Paradise is step-six, and His glorious resurrection is step-seven and is the capstone to His infinite atonement. https://itsabouttimebook.com/the-infinite-atonement-of-jesus-christ/

David W. Allan

Photo: CC Pixabay



The Bible is not a Myth

The Bible is not a Myth. The notion that the Bible is a myth can be proven to be incorrect.  Unfortunately, a survey showed that 93% of the leading American scientists believed the Bible to be a myth. I will prove them wrong in one extremely important historical case.

In My Search for Truth

In my search for truth, as a believing scientist, I have three criteria: 1) If God says it, then I know; 2) I know a theory or hypothesis cannot be proven true. We don’t know enough; exceptions to the theory or hypothesis may yet be found that contradict it.  Only God knows enough to prove a theory or hypothesis true. And 3) If valid data exist, then a false theory or hypothesis can be proven false. Numbers 1) and 3) are extremely powerful in knowing the truth or what isn’t, respectively.

How to Prove – The Bible is Not a Myth

In the following, I share that “the theory that the Bible is a myth” is false in regard to the most important event in the history of the world–the infinite atonement of our Lord and Savior.
Continue reading The Bible is not a Myth

Gratitude For The Resurrection of Our Savior

Is there a more important event in the history of the Earth than the resurrection of our Lord and Savior?

In speaking of the atonement of Jesus Christ, we often hear:

  • In prayers
  • In testimonies
  • In General Conference

“I am grateful for the atoning sacrifice of our Savior,” or “We are grateful for Thy atoning sacrifice.”  Often, His glorious resurrection is not mentioned or included in our gratitude for His infinite atonement.  Most Christians look to His suffering  on the cross to pay for their sins, as they believe in Him.

What Does the New Testament Teach Us?

Continue reading Gratitude For The Resurrection of Our Savior